RSCXimenez Group

Ximenez Group Awarded as a Leading Company in the Labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities

20 June 2024

Award Winners of the 19th Edition of the Fundación Randstad Awards

Ximenez Group has been awarded the ‘Labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities’ prize, given annually by Fundación Randstad to recognize and highlight projects that promote the integration of people with disabilities into the labor market and society.

In this 19th edition, Ximenez Group was chosen from a total of 19 finalist projects for its “normalization of people with disabilities within the company and support for their families”, as well as for the integration of people with functional diversity into its workforce, collaboration with numerous social entities to support this integration, and the recent launch of its project ‘Illuminate Your Essence’.

The winners of this 19th edition were announced yesterday during the awards ceremony held at the Fundación Randstad HUB in Madrid, attended by representatives from all the finalist companies of 2024. Alberto del Rey Barba, Corporate Director of Human Resources, Quality, and Occupational Risk Prevention at Ximenez Group, accepted the award on behalf of the company, emphasizing that it represents “recognition for all the work we do in the company in terms of equality and integration”, as well as a “boost to continue developing projects in this direction, committed to the social integration of people with functional diversity through labor inclusion”. “At Ximenez Group, we are champions of light, illuminating not only Christmas and city festivities but also the present and future of many people through labor integration,” concluded Del Rey.

19th Edition of the Fundación Randstad Awards

Through these awards, Fundación Randstad highlights “actions that work to improve the lives of people with disabilities through labor inclusion, innovation, awareness, and leadership”, across five categories: ‘Labor Inclusion of People with Disabilities’, ‘Intersectoral Collaboration’, ‘Dissemination of Culture, Knowledge, and Normalization of Sociolaboral Inclusion of People with Disabilities’, ‘Technological Innovation to Promote Sociolaboral Inclusion of People with Disabilities’, and ‘Commitment and Inspiring Leadership’. This year, these awards went to Ximenez Group, Plaerdemavida, Fundación Integralia DKV, Tododisca, Metrociego, and content creator Inazio Nieva.

Offering a Future Through Employment

For years, Ximenez Group, through its Human Resources department, has been developing Corporate Social Responsibility policies focused on promoting the inclusion of people at risk of exclusion, with special needs, or functional diversity, aiming to offer them stable employment and a better future outlook. To this end, it collaborates with social entities across the country, such as the Red Cross, Ecosol, or Fundación Don Bosco, for training and generating opportunities.

These actions are complemented by the launch of the ‘Illuminate Your Essence’ project, through which it offers support, advice, and assistance to all its employees and their families who have any type of disability or are experiencing a serious health problem; it also serves as a tool for raising awareness and sensitivity among all members of Ximenez Group.

All these projects and collaborations are part of the actions that Ximenez Group carries out as part of its active and voluntary contribution to social, economic improvement, and human rights.


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