Custom Lighting Projects
Turning ideas
into light
What sets Ximenez Group apart is its ability to design and manufacture any lighting project fully customized and tailored to the client’s vision, all with in-house resources. There’s no custom lighting project we can’t bring to life. At Ximenez Group, we turn any decorative lighting project into a reality. A recent proof of it can be the customized “Corazón y Flecha” sign Ximenez Group has created for Manuel Carrasco’s recent concert tour.
The foundation of Ximenez Group’s work is innovation and creativity. We customize each lighting project according to our clients in order to offer a lighting show that goes with the structure, the values and feeling of said city or event.
What makes us unique: bringing ideas to life.

Thanks to its subsidiaries, Ximenez Iluminación and Ilmex, Ximenez Group has successfully executed a wealth of custom lighting projects with visual impact. The results speak for themselves: The Larios Street in Malaga, the largest Christmas tree in the United States, the Christmas lights of Barcelona and Madrid, and many more projects proudly bear the Ximenez Group hallmark.
Ximenez Group creates fully customized projects and starts working beside the client from the very first moment. We have a team in charge of the design of the lighting project itself that will adapt to the client’s needs and wishes. Besides, our team will also transfer and manage the lighting installation.