RSCXimenez Group

What is celebrated on World Environment Day 2024?

5 June 2024

Detail of Ecogreenlux, the most sustainable lighting product, patented and exclusively developed by Ximenez Group

Every June 5th, World Environment Day is celebrated around the globe. This date aims to promote awareness about the importance of taking care of our ecosystems

Therefore, in 2024, World Environment Day focuses on the conservation of biodiversity and the restoration of the Earth. Under the slogan “Our Earth. Our Future”, this year’s campaign centers on land restoration as one of the key pillars of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030). It is a call to protect and rejuvenate the various ecosystems worldwide to allow them to recover.

Thus, World Environment Day 2024 directs all its efforts towards the current population, that is, the present generations, through the hashtag “We are the #RestorationGeneration”, advocating the idea that we, the current inhabitants of planet Earth, are responsible for the conservation of the environment and have the opportunity to leave a better future for the generations to come.

Since when is World Environment Day celebrated?

Since 1973, World Environment Day has been celebrated on June 5th. This date was first established by the United Nations General Assembly to raise environmental awareness, promote global action in environmental protection, and encourage measures in favor of Earth’s restoration.

In 2023, the 50th anniversary of World Environment Day was celebrated, a date to reflect on half a century of efforts and achievements in environmental protection. Since its inception, this day of celebration and awareness has evolved to address a wide range of environmental challenges, engaging millions of people worldwide. Additionally, in 2024, the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification is celebrated, making planet restoration and the fight against drought two of the main themes for this edition.

Ecogreenlux, the most environmentally friendly lighting

From its beginnings, Ximenez Group has been strongly committed to sustainability and environmental respect. In its relentless pursuit of promoting increasingly sustainable consumption models, more environmentally friendly materials, and manufacturing processes that drastically reduce pollution, in 2022, it presented its product Ecogreenlux. A lighting product that represents a revolution for the sector and a significant step forward in environmental respect.

Ecogreenlux is the only decorative lighting that consumes 60% less energy compared to a traditional LED-made motif, in addition to reducing light pollution by 93%. It is the lighting of the future.

Moreover, we have managed to eliminate the generation of plastic waste in its manufacturing process, as it does not require plastic ties for its assembly. And being composed of weld-free structures, its manufacturing avoids the emission of toxic gases into the atmosphere, making it an even more sustainable and environmentally friendly lighting element.

At Ximenez Group, we join the campaign “Our Earth. Our Future”, through the hashtag #RestorationGeneration, remaining steadfast in our commitment to the environment through the design, manufacturing, and pursuit of more sustainable products that lead to lower energy consumption, as well as promoting responsible practices in all our facilities, thanks to an environmental and CSR policy deeply rooted among all team members.

At Ximenez Group, we are also #RestorationGeneration.

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